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Patron:     Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia.
Vice Patrons:     
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor; The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Riverland Group

If any information on this page is out of date or incorrect - notify the Group Secretary who will advise the webmaster. 

Includes Waikerie, Loxton, Barmera, Berri, Renmark and surrounding areas 
Dinner meetings are held Quarterly at various locations across the Riverland.

Meeting Venue

Dinner meetings are held on 3rd Wednesday of Feb,  Aug, Nov. Cobdogla Club conference room, Cobdogla, 5346

Meeting times 6:00pm for 6:30pm start unless otherwise noted.

Dinner - ordered from menu and paid for by attendees

Guest speaker - a guest speaker will usually be invited to each meeting.

May meetings - Held at a different venue to Cobdogla Club on a Sunday in middle of day. 

Dates / Contacts


Business Hours: 
Members only
Monday - Wednesday 9.30am to 4pm - Closed for lunch: 12.30pm to 1PM 

Copyright 2023-2025  RAJSA Inc.
All rights reserved

22 Chancery Lane, Adelaide SA 5000

ABN: 22 508 700 110

Ph: (08) 8297 4044
Email us here

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