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Patron:     Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia.
Vice Patrons:     
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor; The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Central Group

If any information on this page is out of date or incorrect - notify the Group Secretary who will advise the webmaster. 

Central Group has served the Justice of the Peace community since 1964. We provide face to face training on topics relevant to active JPs, updates on current issues and networking for mutual support. We are based in the near metropolitan southern and western area, with most of our meetings being held at the SACOSS Headquarters, 47 King William Road, Unley 5061.

Our aim is to provide an environment where all our members can participate fully in all aspects of training and discussion and also to ensure that newer (and longer term) members have the opportunity to learn from other members’ experience.

We welcome guests and visits from members from other groups at our meetings.

Meeting Venue

General meetings will usually be held at SACOSS Headquarters, 47 King William Road, Unley 5061
Meetings will start at 6.45pm for 7.00pm, unless otherwise indicated.
The committee meets at a meeting room in the Unley Community Centre in alternate months starting in January.

Training evenings are also available via ZOOM

Program for 2025

30 January: Land Title / Probate
20 March: Miscellaneous (including Remote witnessing)

15 May: Quiz Night with Colin Cornish

  17 July: ACD / Enduring Power of Attorney

18 September: AGM (Police guest Speaker on Scams and Cyberbullying)

20 November: End of Year dinner


Chairman: David Poole


Secretary: Peter Gerhardy


Treasurer/Editor: Peter Farley

Ian Budge

Meg Boswell

Carmel Dineen

Colin Cornish

Ellen Davidson

Judith Davis


Central Group members receive our electronic newsletter

'"Central Contact"  four times a year

                                       MINUTES                                                                               NEWSLETTER

Business Hours: 
Members only
Monday - Wednesday 9.30am to 4pm - Closed for lunch: 12.30pm to 1PM 

Copyright 2023-2025  RAJSA Inc.
All rights reserved

22 Chancery Lane, Adelaide SA 5000

ABN: 22 508 700 110

Ph: (08) 8297 4044
Email us here

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