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Patron:     Her Excellency the Honourable Frances Adamson AC, Governor of South Australia.
Vice Patrons:     
The Right Honourable The Lord Mayor; The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

As a member of the RAJSA Inc. you are connected to and supported by a network of people. Our network of Groups allow members to meet with other Justices of the Peace at a time and place that is convenient. Attending Group meetings allows for personal development as a JP; keeping you up to date with changes to legislation and witnessing documents, get answers to questions and for you to socialise.

Select a group from the drop down list for GROUPS on the menu bar above.

Group Secretaries Portal

Only Group Secretaries / Presidents have access to this portal. Click on the link to the left.

Business Hours: 
Members only
Monday - Wednesday 9.30am to 4pm - Closed for lunch: 12.30pm to 1PM 

Copyright 2023-2025  RAJSA Inc.
All rights reserved

22 Chancery Lane, Adelaide SA 5000

ABN: 22 508 700 110

Ph: (08) 8297 4044
Email us here

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